quinta-feira, 20 de junho de 2024

Tributo Musical Madonna ♫: Human Nature


Independente de você dizer algo errado ou verdadeiro, de você errar ou acertar, sempre haverá alguém para criticar você - infelizmente, isso faz parte da natureza humana e é impossível ser unanimidade, agradando todo mundo. 

Qual é a saída?!!! 

- "VSF, véi"!!!

(...) Did I say something wrong?!!!

Oops, I didn't know I couldn't talk about sex

(I must have been crazy)

Did I stay too long?

Oops, I didn't know I couldn't speak my mind

(What was I thinking?!!!)

And I'm not sorry (I'm not sorry)

It's human nature (it's human nature)

And I'm not sorry (I'm not sorry)

I'm not your bitch, don't hang your shit on me (it's human nature)

You punished me for telling you my fantasies

I'm breaking all the rules I didn't make

(Express yourself, don't repress yourself)

You took my words and made a trap for silly fools

You held me down and tried to make me break

(Express yourself, don't repress yourself)...

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"As lágrimas não reparam os erros!!!"

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